Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My Final Essay

First day of credit recovery, I thought it was just boring and I thought it was going to be hard. My first reaction of the teacher was “Oh another white teacher just doing their job”. In the first week, I had to stay after school from 2:45 to 4:00, I thought the time was bullshit because I had no ride. After the fourth day I thought credit recovery was a piece of cake, I already done all my work , I feel like I’m ahead of the game. When school ended I felt relieved, but then I forgot I had credit recovery, During the second week of the credit recovery it felt weird, one of the reason is from 7:30 to 12:00, the time alone already made it felt weird. Another reason is that I’m driving to school, on the day we first used the computer, Mr. Leh had told us to make a blog, at first I thought I didn’t know a blog was until this student on my right, Noe show me how to make one. My first blog was on May 26 and it talk about why I messed up in English class. The reason why I failed English was that I was lazy and I didn’t turn in the last three big projects, but I did past the final exam. Our first assignment was that we an animal in the Gulf of Mexico, me I was a dolphin swimming and the shock of the explosion disoriented me and that the oil was the thing that killed me. Next, was the my haiku poem, which was about how disgusting McDonalds was. These assignments had shown me my inner imagination and my ability to think outside of the box. Most of the assignments was based on the thoughts we think every day. At least half of the assignments we had to really think about like the scary story, the new identity, a letter to the president, and our bucket list. One of the funny things to me was I finally watch Avatar in credit recovery, so I had to watch in two perspectives, the summary of the movie was a rich company was planning to destroy an entire forest in order get this element, even if they to destroy sacred places for the indigenous people, the movie was kind of related to the things happening in this world. This class has refresh my memory in the English language like the place of commas, the nouns, and the adjectives, also this class has taught me about what’s really happening all over the world and that over these billions of years we humans have lived less than a little dot on the timeline. I have respect for the Mr. Leh, because he know about the reservation more than anyone in class and had some experience that Natives have like the a healing and a sweat lodge, which releases your inner self to the world. Credit Recovery has taught me things I need to explore within myself.

Monday, June 14, 2010


Dear the school board of AHA, my is name Arnold Skeets and I’m here to present you my side of the uniform agreement. First, I want to ask a question “Do uniforms really improve a student’s academic ability in school” I oppose against the uniform policy. One of my reason is my ability to express myself through my outfits like my favorite bands, and beliefs. In students, self expression is important because it is important part in adolescence, it is a way to show the world and everyone around who you really are. How many students would agree this is. Another reason is money, the reason why I say that is because student will have ask their parents to spend money on the thing they use only for school, and not they use every day, who not spend something that’s worth using every day. A study show that student that wears uniforms are willingly to rebel the school administration, another is that students feel restraint against their feelings. Another reason is that some things feel comfortable to other students like the designs of the uniforms and the fabric being used. Individuality, every one has it, uniforms, that strips the meaning. If there was no uniform policy the students can feel comfortable in what they do. I some respect for uniforms because it depicts the school’s image for others like other schools and universities. Uniforms show that students are part of the school and some stranger, and it also shows that the students are well behaved but that doesn’t really happen. Its show a good image about the school some students are able to show their gangs colors. The uniforms doesn’t stand out any group because of their skin color, race, and beliefs. In uniforms I see the what the school represent, no school wants to bad a bad image but at the sometime the school wants to express the students' inner thoughts and express them in a academic way. In every uniform policy there are always pros and cons, teacher and student will continue to argue. The uniform policy will fail and open wardrobe will win but with a few rules to students from reveal too much. In the end the student's opinion will mostly likely win. 

Friday, June 11, 2010

Unique Essay

Me, what sets me apart from a group is the first thing, my race in my school the majority of the race is Mexican descents. I am a Native American and many Native people do you know, another reason is my point of view of most things, I’m not scared of speaking of my beliefs on everything like the security on the border, racism, corruption in America, and other things that people mad at me about. I say the nicest I’ve ever was help a old man push his car on the aside road from the speeding traffic coming his way. Now, when I think about, I did a lot nice to random people, another is I held a elevator door for a mother and stroller and common thing where some people drop their products and you’re the one who tells them “Excuse me, you’ve dropped this”. What I want to be remembered for something very important like more important than President Obama’s inaugural speech and his plan to fix America it was like more important than the human race movement forward in technology. All of the I was taught were all equally important to me, like my father telling me his past mistakes, other family member keep telling me don’t follow their footsteps, I got a whole future in front of me, I just need to reach forward and grab what’s my and embrace it. My future is what I make of it, I want to achieve a lot in this world we call “Home”, but in the end we all must die one way or another and that no one should never play God like alter the human body for extension of their selfish pity lives, we should of live the way it was meant to be without serious change. Every once in a while I ask myself this question “When did these people failed in today’s society” this refers to the homeless that I see, I can’t stand it when vagrants come towards me and beg for money like I got a money falling out of my pockets, everybody is struggling because of the economy. My opinion on the stimulus is that is not really working for everyone, it’s not working for the people who really need it. Its making it worse for the working people – the ones who deserve it.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

How To Manual

This a Essay will you how to cook a perfect medium rare T-bone steak. First, you need a steak, at elast a good size about twenty ounces. The T-bone consists of two steaks within it, a New York Strip and a Filet Mignon, in my opinion the Filet Mignon is the best part. One of the reasons why it taste so good is that it is very tender and cook right it is like having an explosion of steak juice going down down your mouth as you chew. All right, the second step is to season your steak, you can use steak rub from your local grocery store, the spices will really help bring the flavor in a steak, it is like having something really good and just simply making it better. After that, you will need to heat up your grill, there are a few options, the first is a propane based grill and the other is a wood burning based grill. The propane grill can get the temperature nice and high, but the wood burning grill can bring out even more flavor out of the steak, me I would use oak wood, the reasons, one of them is because is that when the wood turns into ashes the smoke will be absorb into the steak, so basically you just smoked a steak. Sorry for getting track, anyway the third step is have the grill at least at three hundred and fifty degrees, then the fifth step is to slowly put the steak on the grill. The sixth step is cooking it, every at least ten to fifteen minutes flip the steak. All right, here is a bonus when you set the steak on the grill set it at a forty-five degree angle then after five minutes turn it the opposite forty-five degrees, what you have done was add appearence to the steak, you have added X marks on your steak, so now it doesn't only taste great it also looks great inside and out. Next is to cook the steak on each side for about seven minutes max, but it depends on how well you want cooked, rare, medium rare, medium well, medium, done, and finally well done. For me, I perfer a medium rare steak because there just enough steak "juice" and it is not too firm to cut though it, a nice pink wet center, the taste I can't you need to try it yourself. The last steps are preparing  for it to eat, me I don't what sides you want it's all up to you. When you have everything ready, take your first bite slowly let the flavor soak in your tongue and mouth, then after eat the steak slowly just let yourself enjoy it.

My Alphabet Story

A crow named Raven was flying in the city of New York City, just wondering what he could do better in life. By the way he really never thought about anything until he realized how old he was. Change is very difficult him, Raven never really had friends, he consider himself as a different person. Days went and Raven still hasn't change, he thought about his family. Everyday, Raven just thought negatively about the greedy humans and they kept building skyscrapers. From the Raven was born, when crack out of his egg on top of a gas station, he was an outcast, always thinking simple. Given a chance to change he would accept. High in the sky flying, looking down on life as a confusion, Raven didn't know how to think. "I wonder..." Raven said himself while flying, Raven had landed on a side of a window. Jack in the box was the window waiting to pop out, Raven was curious, going closer to the box as soon he was able to pick at it with his beak the box had burst open making Raven scared shitlless. "Keep Flapping" he panted, flying away  

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My New Identity

When I leave Albuquerque, I like to go somewhere far away not within the United States but on a another continent. I had my sights on Moscow, Russia I choose that place because of everything cultures, people, food, language, and finally the last reason is the weather. The weather never pasts ninety degrees and its always cool at least around sixty-five degrees. I have always like cool/cold weather I never really like the hot humid weather but only rarely I want to feel the hot weather. On those occasions I go to Phoenix, Arizona where it is always higher than eighty degrees and during the summer the temperature can go as high as hundred and twenty degrees. Anyways, I have admire the the russian people because I found them always interesting in what they do, the Spetsnaz have beaten US best army personnel the Green Berets. First I will learn the Russian language during my course in college. My way of entering Russia was get smuggle in with no US credential, than I find an black market guy and have him give me fake name, a place to live, some Russian credentials, then I'm set. My name would be Karol Kyznetsov because it would be similar to Arnold Skeets, I would find a stable job to make some money. After that I would go back to school in the university of Moscow and have a masters degree in enigeering or something easy. I would describe myself as a hard working guy, quiet, always calm, ambitious, friendly, productive, trustworthy, thoughtful, malicious person. After about six years when I have a house, money, a successful job, and back up plans I would find that special person in my life with a few requirements  like education, looks, personlity, and money. After I found that person I would fathered my kids with her. When the people I know back in the US and someone had told about my move to Russia I would keep a low profile in everything I do from now on. I would keep my US life completely out of my other life I wouldn't my childhood with my wife. Everytime she would ask I would try to change the subject, if she did out I would explain everything if I can, I don't know what would happen if she left and took the kids in another country I'm born in. The worst case scenario if that does happen I would try sneak my way back into the United States, when everyone asked where I was I would make a lie saying that I was living in the forest in a small cabin that I've built from the bottom up. Then I would have another life to start again...

My Murder Mystery (Not Finish)

In high school there had been random acts of killing among the students. Robert Barrios, a loner, a different student who didn’t like anything that came his way, the one thing that really pissed him was the sight of people who never shut the hell up. From birth, Robert was always different even his own parents don’t fully understand him. The music that Robert listen to was mostly about killing innocent people from bands like Slayer, Cannibal Corpse, Exodus, and Deicide. In school, his hatred consume him, keeping him from doing his schoolwork, Robert said to himself “Goddamn, everywhere you go they’re there in front of you, behind you, and aside of you. Just hearing them makes me want to kill”. Meanwhile, this student, Arnold a loud, racist, random story telling Native, always telling his friends who he would kill. The way that Arnold describe his killings was realistic in everyway possible. The ones he wanted to kill were the one that Robert hated especially the ones that annoyed him the most. Robert’s garage was full of tool sledge hammers, axes, carving knifes, drills, saws, and nail guns. Robert also had a car which he drives to school to. Later in the school year, Robert couldn’t take it anymore, so he made a list in small personal notebook, Robert had twelve names, Arnold thought of fourteen. Writing what the girls did, where they went, when were they alone, and then he planned how to kill them

Monday, June 7, 2010

My Bucket List

1. Reach the summit of Mt. Everest
2. Visit all seven continents
3. Sail through all oceans
4. Invent something
5. Run a marathon
6. Restore a muscle car
7. Be converted into four different religion
8. Find a new source of renewable energy
9. Form a death metal band
10. Make a art masterpiece
11. Skydive
12. Meet the Unabomber (Before he Dies)
13. Meet all cultures
14. Learn at least Seven languages
15. Write a book
16. Visit as many cities as I can

17. See the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea
18. Fly a Airbus a380
19. Execute Osama Bin Laden
20. Open a Restaurant
21. Race a Top Fuel Dragster
22. Shoulder Shoot a 50. Caliber M82 Sniper Rifle
23. Have more money than Bill Gates
24. Discover something in the cosmos
25. Direct a movie

The reason why I choose these goals is because they are important to me. I like to be the first Native American to reach to the summit of Everest, and like the masterpiece I want to be remember by it. Do you think I want to be remember for something negative-No. I like to visit all continent because I want a see how different the land is from my home city and what kind of cultures have to offer to me for my visit, like food, beliefs, language, and famous landmarks or monuments. About my book I don’t have a clue about what topic I’m to write about, it could be an autobiography, or a fictional story. The cities I want to visit includes Munich, Moscow, Paris, Rome, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Seoul, and Sidney, but that’s only some of all the cities I want to see. The reason why I want to meet the Unabomber was because I thought he was very intelligence with I.Q of 170. Kaczynski had made complex bombs out of chemicals and shapnel like nails and razors blades, he attacked professors at major universities like Harvard where got Kaczynski got his education. The marathon I say its pushing yourself to the limit then after your done you feel really good about it like you accomplished the impossible and you feel like you do anything and nothing will hold back. That's the way I feel about the marathon. The about skydiving I want to feel how it feels to fall at 120 mph and the sight of everything I will never forget. The reason why I want to form a death metal is because I want to express my musical thoughts like the lyrical theme, tempos, the sound, the style, and the rhythm. One of my goals is to have more money than Bill Gates but I think its not going to happen but its still a goal. I like to fly an Airbus a380 because it is one of the biggest plane in this world, I would feel proud to fly it and later in life I can look back and say "Yep I flew that across the Atlantic Ocean, ot was tiring". If I was going to direct a movie it be about murder and a little bit of suspence. A top fuel dragster a quarter of a mile in less than 4 seconds and 7gs of force. My restaurant I still don't a name or an idea of what I'm going to be serving to the customers. All these goals I want to do before I go.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Related to Avatar (Not Finish)

My first reaction to the movie “Avatar” it was very interesting because it was about a greedy company planning to destroy a whole forest to get this element called “unobtainium” which was very valuable. This is very similar to today’s messed up world, for an example the gulf oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The spill has been going on for 45 days and leaked more than 22 million gallons of crude oil killing everything it touches. Ruining wildlife, businesses that depend on fishing, covering beaches, and destroying the tourism. The oil spill was caused by greedy people who went out of the way of safety procedures just get more oil. Eleven workers had died getting this oil, and now the government says they can’t plug the well until August. At the beginning of the hurricane season I say this world we live in, it’s going down the shithole, we can send things to the moon but not plug a well. All over the world this is happening like right now in South America where they are clearing millions of acres of forest to plant new power plants. That forest produces more than 60% of the Earth's oxygen supply, but more than half of the people don't realize what damage we are doing to the Earth.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My Real Fake Scary Story (Not Finish)

One cloudy afternoon day, two very close friends, Samir and Saleem. The two friends were driving through thick forest. Both Samir and Saleem were students at the university of Moscow, the two were visiting family in the town of Dzerzhinsk. On their way back to Moscow, their car had broken down in the middle of a dense forest. With no cell phone or anyway kind of communication Samir told Saleem if they wanted to walk in order to find help. They both argeed to walk, after about 2 hours of walking they came across a van.

With no one inside the van, Samir and Saleem went looking for the driver and passengers for help. Transversing through the forest, both Samir and Saleem knew their way out just in case they got lost or serparated. Thirdy minutes later, after looking and searching, Saleem called it quits and looked his way back to the road leaving Samir behind. Samir came across a Nazi banner hanged up across two the size was seven feet long and five feet wide, Samir’s first reaction was confusion and then he realized something was not right. Walking back, Samir encounter a group of four Neo-Nazi skinheads of the first milliseconds of his reaction, he turn and ran as fast as he can but sadly after about eleven feet Samir had trip over a rock all of his energy was impacted on a rock landed to the head knocking him out. Saleem, waiting at the side of the road worried about Samir he went back to find, of course.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My Life - My Gifts to the World

What makes me so different, Arnold Skeets, is my ability to work very hard in the hot weather outside and where most people just give up in what they do. In life, my purpose is to learn as much as I can and accomplish more than the average person in this world of shit (the promised land) so they say. Mostly I think about the better side of most situations I'm in only rarely I think negatively. I like to think of myself as a good listener and a disciplined young adult with a sense of independence in life. I guess my purpose in life is to invent something everyone will use and be use everyday or discovered something new on Earth or in the comsos and rewrite the laws of humanity. I'm afraid of the number of goals, and I won't be able to finish them all before I run out of time.I say the reason why I'm here is because to something in this world, but the only way to find is to live. What I treasured about myself is the fact I am a Native American and my tribe is Dine Bizaad and I'm proud of it even some don't, I don't understand why, but what love about myself is name - Arnold Skeets. Let me ask you a question - How many people do you know have the name - Arnold and how many people do you know have the name - Skeets. Its like I'm the only person in this world with that name except for my dad. For example, at school all you mostly heard is Mexican names but when you hear my name its so different, like an american. In my life my beliefs are that the only the strongest survive and after death our Heaven is what we dreamt about, every single day. My plans are to go to college but at the sametime I like to enlist in the U.S army. Right now I am not sure about my careers paths, like which way to go in life. In this world I cannot stand movie musicals, mainstream media, "psycho christians", and how some people get famous for no real reason. In my life I find serial murderers interesting like Andrei Chikatilo and Jeffey Dramer and war criminals like Dr. Josef Mengele and Lt. Gen. Shiro Ishii. If I had a plan to make the world better, first I would eliminate the economy and start all over. Line up all criminals, rapists, murderers, drug addicts, child molesters, death row inmates and execute all of them.I will recreat laws like mandatory school if you say no you will be punished, mandatory college, the vagrants will executed where they stand. The laws I created will be all strict in order to surpass other countries all citizens must have hard worksmanship and discipline.

I Am Poem

I am a Native American and I'm always tired
I wonder what will happen on 2012
I hear a gunshot in the distance
I see the police picking on immigrants
I want a ZR1 Covette
I am a Native American and I'm always tired

I pretend to be
I feel my back aching
I touch a steering wheel of a muscle car
I worry about my grades
I cry out blasphemy
I am a Native American and I'm always tired

I understand that everyrthing breaks down
I say theres is going to be a new world order
I dream for a large middle rare steak
I try to make an effort in everything I do
I hope to pass every grade
I am Native American and I'm always tired

My Haiku Poem

I, regurgiate
Disgusting McDonalds, gross
Greasy salty fries