Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My Murder Mystery (Not Finish)

In high school there had been random acts of killing among the students. Robert Barrios, a loner, a different student who didn’t like anything that came his way, the one thing that really pissed him was the sight of people who never shut the hell up. From birth, Robert was always different even his own parents don’t fully understand him. The music that Robert listen to was mostly about killing innocent people from bands like Slayer, Cannibal Corpse, Exodus, and Deicide. In school, his hatred consume him, keeping him from doing his schoolwork, Robert said to himself “Goddamn, everywhere you go they’re there in front of you, behind you, and aside of you. Just hearing them makes me want to kill”. Meanwhile, this student, Arnold a loud, racist, random story telling Native, always telling his friends who he would kill. The way that Arnold describe his killings was realistic in everyway possible. The ones he wanted to kill were the one that Robert hated especially the ones that annoyed him the most. Robert’s garage was full of tool sledge hammers, axes, carving knifes, drills, saws, and nail guns. Robert also had a car which he drives to school to. Later in the school year, Robert couldn’t take it anymore, so he made a list in small personal notebook, Robert had twelve names, Arnold thought of fourteen. Writing what the girls did, where they went, when were they alone, and then he planned how to kill them